Elevation Pahlish Marco Polo Collections!!!


Launching August 7th at 9pm at elevationpolish.com This is a different kind of collection. It to me is one of the most unique and special collections I’ve done.

Let me set the scene for you: What happens when you take two close friends, who also happen to share a passion for making nail polish, and share of love of geography, documentaries and Netflix?

You end up with two makers trying to call dibs on a collection inspired by Netflix’s series Marco Polo. Instead of one of us resigning to let the other one take the inspiration. Elevation and Pahlish over the years have had more than a few colors, finish types, names that have overlapped. We made the agreement after years of “fighting it” (aka: 2am phone calls of asking each other if we have something similar in our respective line ups) We changed those conversations into talking about sharing inspiration, love of our favorite colors, and finish types to create two different collections. Same inspiration, at the same time and see where it took us.

We did help and guide each other along the way. Each collection, Elevation’s Marco Polo and Pahlish’s Marco Polo represents our individual, unique visions and take on Marco Polo’s journey.


We started off by creating something together. The Venetian Duo. Which consists of The Merchants Son (Elevation) and The Wayfarer (Pahlish). A duo that is meant to work together in polish harmony.  Venice is where Marco Polo began his journey and it’s where we began ours. The $22.00 limited edition collaborative duo will be available in our shops only for the month of August.

The Merchants Son: Thermal aqua/turquoise when hot and dusty teal when cold with lots of green micro shimmer that ends up subtle on the nail. Thinner polish style for me, light thin 3 coats for full coverage. The thermal aspect of the polish will be active for approx. 6 months and after that, it will rest closer to the color of cold but not as intense.

The Wayfarer: A versatile topper blended of platinum flake shimmer, iridescent glitter, ultra chrome flake shimmers in a variety of colors that evokes the color tones of old world venice near the water (copper, gold, green, silver, blue)


From there we headed off into our own creative worlds. Picking characters, places and moments that spoke to us. Here is what I was inspirited by (Might contain spoilers for those who aren’t familiar with Marco Polo’s journey):

The Latin of 4 Languages: Something that really spoke to me about marco polo’s journey was that he was known as the latin but he was also known for the fact that like me he had travelled the world and accumulated knowledge of language. A very useful skill, especially in his time. The color I choose to represent him is a red/orange metallic copper. His actions in the series reminded me of an out of control fire.

Khan of Khans: The name says it all. Gentle yet commanding of attention. Khan of Khans is a burnished olive metallic like silk clothing that the khans court would wear. Both earthy and blingy in it’s metallic-ness at the same time. I kept true to the metallic finish type, you will notice some brush strokes but it adds character the same way that the little knots on raw silk have.

Saif al Jabbar: “The sword of the giant” is a supergiant star a part of constellation Orion that helps guide the way at night. The polish is like the stars at night littered with red shift to gold shimmer and holographic pigment in a blackened base. It twinkles like the night sky. I imagine marco polo using the stars to navigate his way on the silk road.

Zhenjin: “True Gold” was the nick name of the great Khans son. I went there making the polish inspired by his character truly in your face burnished gold with medium density holographic pigment.

Le Città Invisibili: One of my favorite moments in both the show and in books about marco polo was when the great Kublai khan sat down with marco polo and explained in great detail the state and beauties of the cities under the Khan’s rule. The khan in later years didn’t venture out as far as his rule but he had many advisers to tell him about the cities including marco polo who narrated the cities with beautiful poetry and possibilities. The polish is a purple leaning taupe with ultra chrome flake shimmer in blue/purple/gold/pink

Empress Chabi: Favorite wife to Kublai and mother to Zhenjin. Empress chabi played a huge role in life under the Khans rule. She was a patron of the arts, a diplomat, and promoted Buddhism among the region. She is represented in polish form as a berry style red with blue and pink micro shimmer.

Minkh Khukh Tengri: Mongolia is known as the “Land of the Eternal Blue Sky” — Мөнх хөх тэнгэр (The Eternal blue sky) because Mongolia has over 250 days of sun a year. Tengri is Sky God and and chief deity in Mongolian and Turkic shamanism. Mongolians even still today pray to the eternal blue sky. Denim blue creme with blue and green ultra chrome flakes, blue medium sized shimmer inspired by my favorite state of blue sky.


Both Elevation and Pahlish’s collections will be in their usual square and round bottles. Presented with limited edition labels that have a cute gondolier on the front with elevation and pahlish names on it. The gondolier represents marco polo’s beginning and end of his journey, Venice. You may notice that bloggers have the standard elevation polish logo on the front. The blog packs went out before the labels were ready.


The Elevation polish Marco polo collection and the venetian duo will be available in my shop elevationpolish.com Launching August 7th at 9PM, central and restocked on August 22nd at 9AM, central. The special Elevation Pahlish Gondolier label will only be available the month of August. After that any polishes that are moved into the core line from this collection will have a standard Elevation label. Check out our Facebook and instagram (@elevationpolish) for swatches and pictures of the collection.

The Pahlish Marco Polo collection and venetian duo will be available launching August 2nd with restocks on Sundays 7PM, central at pahlish.com Check out their facebook and instagram (@pahlish) for swatches and pictures of the collection.

A limited number of full Elevation Pahlish Marco Polo Collection sets (includes venetian duo so 16 polishes total) will be available in each of our shops with special full set pricing (free shipping.)

So what do you think of the collection? Did you check out Marco Polo on Netflix?




Photo Credit: Ida Nail’s It (for both the swatch and bottle shot of the venetian duo)

Ida Nails it has both the Elevation and the Pahlish Marco Polo Collections up!

Check them out!!! Elevation & Pahlish

2 thoughts on “Elevation Pahlish Marco Polo Collections!!!

  1. These are absolutely gorgeous! I can’t wait to get them all! I really really love the inspiration (I’m a major history nerd/medieval archaeologist, plus I’m watching the show in Netflix right now)! Empress Chabi and Minkh Khukh Tengri are my favorites!

  2. Love this collection! I particularly enjoyed reading your inspiration for each color. So much thought goes into your colors! The special gondolier labels are icing on the cake! Bravo!!!

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